1031 Wahl Ln S
Salem, OR 97306

We will have to re-visit this event later in the year as we all get back to some form of normal.
Ready for some Bubbles & Bivalves ? Or more commonly called Pet Nat and Oysters ? Join us as we pop some tops and shuck some Oysters. We will have raw oysters and bbq’d oysters, with fixins, for you to try with our signature Rose’ of Pinot Noir Pet Nat. Haven’t tried Pet Nat ? Well then this is a great opportunity for you to take part and discover an amazing sparkling wine. You can purchase tickets online by following the link or on the ticket tab on the event. Tickets include a glass of pet Nat and 6 oysters. You can purchase more oysters at the following pricing. 12 Oysters for $24.00 either raw or bbq’d and various wines at the event, prices vary.