1031 Wahl Ln S
Salem, OR 97306

This Event is Sold Out !!!!!
Come on out for a Sight and Sound Extravaganza as we welcome Jennifer Batten to Trinity. Jennifer really needs no introduction but in case you don’t know of her, she toured with Michael Jackson, Jeff Beck and Sting as a Lead and backup Guitarist. With too many accolades to list we are so fortunate to have her paly our venue. I have attached a video for you and hope you take some time to watch it. https://youtu.be/dauaFizBu0c You can copy and paste in your browser and enjoy. Cover charge for this event is $20.00 and there will be a limited number of tickets sold. Tickets will go on sale May 8th for this event and can be purchased at https://squareup.com/store/trinityvineyards We will have Foodology Mobile Kitchen onsite so please no outside food or beverages.Pleae bring an extra lawn chair and a jacket.