
Gonna be a Hot One in the vineyard !! Stump City Soul will be back this year to inject you with some Soul !!! This 11 member band will be playing some amazing hits form the 60’s, 70’s and beyond. If you like to dance and get your groove on this is the band for you. We will have wine, beer and the amazing Pat E Macs BBQ here. This will be a busy evening so please car pool with your friends if possible, and bring an extra lawn chair. We are happy to announce we have a sold out show, Thanks to all who bought tickets and are coming out.

Join us and welcome Billy Jones to Trinity. Billy has a fantastic and authentic sound that resonates and permeates your soul.
New and vibrant Country music Billy will win you over. You can listen to some of Billy’s music by following the link below. Chef King will be here to serve up some amazing food so please no outside food or beverages.

Join us as we welcome Orvil & Mike back to Trinity. These guys will help de-stress you and bring on the chillax. Chef King will be here to serve up some amazing food so bring your appetite. We will have wine, beer and cider available for purchase. This is a no cover charge event. Tell your friends to meet you at Trinity for an Epic afternoon.

We are pleased to have Adam Scramstad out to play some amazing blues and slide guitar for us. Chillax to some mighty fine pickin that will make your summer afternoon awesome. We will have Pat E Macs BBQ here to feed you so come hungry. We will have and chilled wine, craft beer and cider to quench your thirst. Bring an extra lawn chair and get settled in.