
Get ready to move and shake it to the Soul hits of the 70’s with one of the Northwest’s Best Soul Bands. Get downright Funky and enjoy an evening of Soul, Blues and Funk !!!
We will have Pat Mac’s Food Truck onsite so no outside Food or outside beverages please. Parking is limited and tickets are for sale on our website at
Bring an extra lawn chair and a sweater as it can cool off in the country.

Come and check out the amazing music these guys are putting out. Young, Vibrant, Jazzy are all great ways to describe these guys. We will have Pat Macs BBQ Food Truck on site so please no outside food or
beverages. The evening events are super popular so please bring an extra lawn chair and car pool if you can. Come out and enjoy a Fantastic Summer Show. Check out their music at

August 2nd, 2 to 5 PM join stellar vocalist Jessica Peterson and guitarist and multi-instrumentalist Zak Zundel as they bring us some of their favorite soul, pop and R&B tunes to life. Pat E Macs food truck will be here too, supplying you with some mouthwatering barbecue. So please no outside food or drink. This is a free and popular event, so please call 503-371-6977 or email [email protected] and make your reservations today.

This Event is Sold Out !!!!!
Come on out for a Sight and Sound Extravaganza as we welcome Jennifer Batten to Trinity. Jennifer really needs no introduction but in case you don’t know of her, she toured with Michael Jackson, Jeff Beck and Sting as a Lead and backup Guitarist. With too many accolades to list we are so fortunate to have her paly our venue. I have attached a video for you and hope you take some time to watch it. You can copy and paste in your browser and enjoy. Cover charge for this event is $20.00 and there will be a limited number of tickets sold. Tickets will go on sale May 8th for this event and can be purchased at We will have Foodology Mobile Kitchen onsite so please no outside food or beverages.Pleae bring an extra lawn chair and a jacket.

Join us for an amazing Sunday lazing around and sipping wine to the sounds of Steve Hale. Steve is an amazing musician and
is one of our own local artists. With a great mix of new and old favorites you will truly be entertained. No cover, ( yes, that means Free )
show. So come out and enjoy a glass of wine on a beautiful summers day. We will also have Pat E Macs BBQ Kitchen out to serve up some awesome BBQ.